Here is a list of changes:
- (Almost) No more Struts XML-configuration files. jRecruiter uses the Struts 2.1 convention plugin for annotation based configuration.
- Many Spring Beans dependencies are now configured using annotations (Spring 3.0)
- Sophisticated data-grid support using jMesa
- Google Maps integration (web (Javascript), Pdf (Image) and Flex (Flash))
- Hibernate Search support
- RSS feeds for the latest 20 jobs using ROME
- Social bookmarks on the job posting list
- Application is now Struts 2.1 based
- Using jasypt for password digesting
- Administrative pages are SSL encrypted
- Improved charting (JFreeCharts)
- Using reCAPTCHA for the registration page
- Implemented email account verification
- Now job postings and updates are send to Twitter (
- PDF Export of Job Posting Details (using iText)
- Switched from username-based logins to an email-based system (usernames are still supported on the backend (e.g. administrative logins)
- Some performance improvements --> CSS and JavaScript files are now merged, minified and GZipped using JAWR)
- XML web services for providing job posting data to (Still need to do the actual integration but the XML feed is there)
- Using jQuery for most Javascript needs
- Maven project consists of multiple modules now (web, server, flex)
- I18N: Added partial support for German
- Extra bonus: Added a simple Adobe Flex front-end using Spring Blaze DS for server integration