Friday, October 2, 2015

TypeScript versus ES6

A good question is: Why would you want to use TypeScript versus ES6?

A few reasons for me:

  • I have to use a transpiler anyway in order to support older browsers such as Babel
  • TypeScript gives me types
  • You can still use JavaScript as valid TypeScript (TS being a superset of JS)
  • It seems to be a more natural fit for Java developers
  • Tooling support seems pretty good
  • AngularJS 2.0 will use it natively - as such you have Google and Microsoft supporting it


Will ES6 make Typescript irrelevant?

TypeScript vs ECMAScript 2015/2016

TypeScript and ES6 Dan Wahlin & Andrew Connell

Angular Air Episode 25: TypeScript or ES6 with Babel?

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