Monday, February 4, 2013

DevNexus 2013 Registration closing on 2/5/13 - Only 50 tickets left

With two weeks to go and 800 people attending we have only 50 tickets left for DevNexus 2013. The support from the community has been incredible and we will be closing registration on Tuesday evening, so if you are coming and have not registered, yet, now would be the time...
  • We have 8 incredible tracks with 50 speakers covering;
  • HTML5 + JavaScript (Backbone.js, Bootstrap, CoffeeScript, Canvas, IndexedDB, WebSocket, LESS)
  • Mobile Development (PhoneGap, Android, Titanium, Mobile Web, AeroGear)
  • Data + Integration (MongoDB, Storm, Spring Integration + Batch, Ehcache, JPA)
  • Java/JavaEE/Spring (Java 8, Java EE 7+8, Concurrent Programming)
  • Web (Play, REST, Spring MVC)
  • Alternative Languages (Groovy, Scala, Clojure)
  • Cloud (Cloud Foundry, AWS, MS Azure)
  • Agile + Tools (Git, Gradle, XP, Kanban, Continuous Delivery, Vagrant)
Adding to the fun, we will have a happy hour sponsored by eHire Labs, most of our sponsors will be raffling off cool stuff and we will be giving away a MacBook Air, Nexus 10 tablet and an unlocked Samsung Galaxy SIII in the raffle.

A big thank you to all our sponsors without whom we would not be able to put on this event for such an incredibly affordable price.

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Cocktail Hour Sponsor:

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